Their Excellencies


Questions regarding Their Excellencies’ Progress, or wish to be a Noble-in-Waiting or a Guard, the Head Baronial Retainer, once chosen, will be the point of contact.


Their Excellencies are proud of the talented scribes in the Barony and wish to spread the wealth of their artistry throughout the land.  Thus, hand-created scrolls of a traditional and/or non-traditional nature are most welcome. 
If you are interested in contributing supplies, calligraphy, and/or illumination, please contact the Principals of the baronial scribal guild: Owen Caerleon and Christina Temperani. They will also provide assistance to beginner scribes, or those that may have any interest.


While handmade items of all color are preferred contributions to largesse, any items that include blue, green, and white, or a Kittyhawk are especially welcome. 


If you wish to speak with Their Excellencies personally, you can reach them at, or individually at and

Her Excellency, Ollamh Caitrina inghean Fhearghuis


She is a middle of the 14th century Scot from Argyll and descendent from line of Fergus Mór, the king of Dál Riata. Caitrina is the only child to a widowed father, who raised her the only way he knew how, by teaching her the ways of the bow and blade, just as he would have taught a son.  After her father’s passing, Caitrina traveled, joined a group of Norse Scots, and found that their way of life suited her. 

Hospitality Preferences

Her Excellency has no known food allergies and will gladly partake of most victuals offered as hospitality. She is not adverse to trying new foods.

Food Preferences

Her Excellency enjoys a variety of meals, snacks, and desserts such as meats, cheeses, breads, stews; She prefers foods that are hearty foods full of flavor and spice. She also likes sweets in the form of desserts like baklava, chocolates, puddings, cobblers, and pies, to name a few.

Beverage Preferences

Much like food, Her Excellency is open to trying new beverages, within reason.


Her Excellency prefers caffeinated coffee with cream, coke, water, and lemonade.


Her Excellency favors red wines, sweet and fruity meads without honey as the dominant flavor, cider and coctails made with vodka and tequila.  

Hospitality Dislikes

Food Dislikes

She does not care for mushrooms served as their own dish, but likes them as an ingredient in recipes. Avoid presenting her Excellency with okra in any form, licorice and licorice-flavored things, oysters, and mussels.



Avoid serving Her Excellency tea, unless it is green tea. She does not care for any others.


Her Excellency does not like beer or rum. 

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