
Greetings Atlantians! With Ymir on the horizon, and it looks to be a big event… we’ve come up with a couple ideas to help speed along the process of getting you through the paperwork checkpoints and on to doing fun things as quickly as possible.

We will be offering MoL check in at Gate/Troll on Friday Night. If you are checking in on Friday night, and plan to take part in marshal activities, bring your fighter card with you when you check in. (On Saturday, please just check into MoL on the field as usual.)

Secondly, we’re announcing EZ-Gate, a drive through check in service on Saturday Morning. Hopefully, this will speed the line up considerably so you can just go park your car and get on to the event. On Saturday, from 8 am to Noon, we’ll offer drive through check in services as you enter the site.

However, there are rules!

The First Rule of EZ-Gate is, everyone in the car must be pre-registered for the event!

(We’re not taking money at EZ-Gate – no cash, no checks. To pay day of, please go to normal Gate)

(Pre-Reg via SCORES, here: https://sca.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/sca/event.jsp?event=933)

The Second Rule of EZ-Gate is, everyone in the car must be a current paid member of the SCA. 

(Yes, including any children in the car.)

The Third Rule of EZ-Gate is, everyone will have their proof of membership ready when the Gate Volunteer gets to their car.
(Seriously folks, keep the line moving.)

The Fourth Rule of EZ-Gate is, all children in the car must be with their legal parent/guardian.
(If you have a notarized medical waiver form, please bring that to normal Gate.)

The Fifth Rule of EZ-Gate is, you will thank your Gate Volunteer for standing out in the cold so you can get to doing fun stuff faster!

That’s it! We look forward to seeing you soon at Ymir 50!

-Baron Girard le Bourguignon, Ymir 50 Autocrat

Ymir 50
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