Martial Activities
The four heavy tournaments are as follows:
- Double Elimination Tournament: winner gets the first Prometheus Titan prize of the year.
- Bear Pit starts after the second round of the Double Elimination Tournament concludes.
The four rapier tournaments are as follows:
- Single elimination Blacksword tournament.
- Traditional Ymir tournament where depending on the number of fighters, there will either be a straight double elimination tournament or round robin pools to feed into a final sixteen double elimination such as in those at Crown tournaments.
- Team tournaments based on rapier award level:
Teams of five fighters who have no rapier award.
Teams of four fighters who have an AoA level rapier award: Sea Dragon or equivalent.
Teams of three fighters who have a GoA level award: White Scarf or equivalent.
Teams of two Peerage level awarded fighters (Master of Defense) in double elimination. - Cut and Thrust tournament, with the style to be determined by number of competitors.
Thrown Weapons
Competitions consist of:
- Royal Rounds:
Free throw
Seated throw.
Timed throw.
Hard target.